SMARTFENSE provides a series of reports and audit logs that are simple to interpret. However, further and deeper processing allows for delivering customized reports to the client. These reports can be used to tailor the actions of the awareness program or external to it.
- Audit - Campaign Detail: This report provides information on the campaign settings, presents a funnel chart with user behavior, and a table detailing the actions taken by these users.
- Time Evolution Charts by Component: Displays area charts for each component showing how many dispatches have been made for each one, grouped by month, and a funnel chart with the general and cumulative behavior of the users.
Audit of Actions Assigned to Users:
- Overview: Shows a funnel chart for each component for each selected user.
- By Component: Allows for a consolidated report by component with the users' actions.
- Risk Scoring: The purpose of risk scoring reports is to answer the question of what the risk level is for each user in the organization, each group, and the organization itself. Risk scoring is represented through a heat map and is linked to user actions.
Note: Campaigns marked as test campaigns will have an Audit - Campaign Detail that can be viewed from the calendar or the campaign list, but they will not be included in the component grouped charts nor the audits of actions assigned to users in the Audit > Assigned actions section since they are test campaigns.
Audit - Campaign Detail
You can access this report by entering each campaign from the Calendar or the Campaign List and clicking the View Campaign Detail button symbolized by a small pie chart.
Upon entering the Detail - Campaign Audit section, you will see the campaign configuration data, a funnel chart, and the details of the actions of the users.
This report allows for downloading the image of the funnel chart and downloading the details of the users' actions in different formats.
With this information, you can create a customized report from a spreadsheet, with pivot tables and new charts that you find interesting to share with your clients.
Additionally, SMARTFENSE offers a series of APIs that you can use to obtain campaign results for each component.
Whether with spreadsheets created from downloaded reports or using APIs, you can use Business Intelligence tools such as Power BI or Looker Data Studio to create your own interactive reports to show the progress of the awareness project.
Time Evolution Charts by Component
The time evolution charts are used to analyze the general behavior of platform users by each component used. In the Reports > Campaigns section, you can view area charts and funnel charts that can be used to analyze progress in the awareness program.
The charts are interactive and can be displayed in full or you can choose a date range, or even select the legends you want to show.
You can use these charts by component to create customized reports for clients that show the evolution of user behaviors over time.
Audit of Actions Assigned to Users
In the SMARTFENSE audit section, Audit > Assigned actions > Users > General view, there is the list of platform users and the number of dispatches made to each by component.
Entering each user, a funnel chart for each component indicates their behavior. If the client has contracted the gamification service, they can also see the badges earned by the user. You can use the filters to adjust the data of the charts to a specific date range.
These charts and badges can be used in customized reports to analyze the behaviors of a specific group of users.
In the audit section of SMARTFENSE, Audit > Assigned actions > Users > Components, there is the list of users, along with a table that reports the dispatches made to each one and the data of each stage by component. This table can be downloaded in CSV or Excel for further processing.
Additionally, a consolidated report or one filtered by dates of all campaigns sent from a specific component can be downloaded by clicking the button that appears immediately below the filter.
These CSV reports are sent by email to the administrator account that requested them. They can be used in spreadsheets (Excel or Google Spreadsheet) and worked independently of the platform. With the data in spreadsheets, you can work with pivot tables, create different types of charts, and even use Business Intelligence tools like Looker Data Studio or Power BI to perform interactive presentations.
Risk Scoring
Risk Scoring is a number that reflects how severe a risk is based on the presence of certain factors. This number can range from 0 to 100: the larger the number, the greater the risk it represents.
In the Risk Scoring section, we will have the scoring information for users, groups, and the organization.
If you want to see the risk scoring of a particular user, go to the Risk Scoring > Users section. There, you will see the list of platform users where we can search for a specific user and apply filters to narrow down the search for users belonging to a specific group, a functional area, or a level of hierarchy.
Having identified the user, you can enter their profile and see various charts associated with the user's risk scoring.
If the client has contracted integration with the BeyGoo platform, they can also see if the user has risky behavior in handling their passwords.
With the same level of detail, you can see the risk scoring of the groups the users belong to from the Risk Scoring > Groups section.
To see the risk scoring of the organization, enter the Risk Scoring > Organization section, and you will see the general metrics that group all the users of the platform.
For the organization, as seen in the previous chart, you can view a heat map with users located in certain areas of the matrix. You can download a report with the users appearing on the heat map.
With the charts that present the risk scoring in its three options, users, groups, or organization, you can prepare presentations for clients.